I'm Mia
a believer, entrepreneur and podcast host committed to seeing you thrive in your business calling

"Overcome Fear As An Entrepreneur"
Free 4-Part Video Course...
From overworked worldly entrepreneur to faith-based time-freedom entrepreneur putting God first...
Born and raised small town New Mexico girl I never thought I would be helping entrepreneurs around the globe to to thrive in faith and business. Whether you found me through my podcast God Centered Success, through the content I share across social media, or you’ve worked directly with me in one of my online coaching programs or courses I want to share the story behind it all with you.
People often ask me how I went from speech therapist to now being a business coach. People also often ask me how I became a believer and changed my business into a faith based business.

So I'll share how it all happened with you...
I’ll never forget the moment when my mom sat me down at the kitchen table at 17 years old and said, “I have some bad news. Your step dad has been gambling the money away. You college fund is gone. We are in serious financial trouble and I don’t know what I am going to do.”
My heart sank. That college fund was the only thing my biological father had left me before he took his own life when I was 4 years old, and now the person I trusted the most and called dad had gambled it all away.
In that moment I made a decision
that impacted the rest of my life.
I decided to never trust anyone again, including God. I decided to count on myself and find a way to make it no matter what.
I knew in that moment I would find a way.
At 23 years old I graduated with a master’s degree in speech and language pathology and went to work in the schools and hospitals.
I started investing in business coaching and personal development training so I could start my own business and not have to trade time for money and that’s when I heard about network marketing.
I started to learn internet marketing in hopes to build my network marketing business and after having great results with online video people starting asking I was doing it.
I launched my first online course teaching other entrepreneurs how to use video to get results in business. I remember the moment I realized I had generated over $12,000 in one weekend from the course. I was hooked. My next online course was teaching entrepreneurs how to launch their own online course.

I only ever taught what I had already tested and had results with.
So after a few failures I would eventually figure something out, get results then go teach others how to do what I just did.
I eventually had my first $50k month, then my first $80k month, and even a 6 figure month. The world called me a success but the truth is I was obsessed with working and making more money. It was never ever enough.
The workaholic lifestyle I was keeping eventually lead to physical burnout. The doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me and I started to get scared. I started to ask what this was all for.
Why was I working so hard for things I couldn’t take with me when I go…
I started going back to church for the first time since high school and one Sunday I was sitting in church and I felt God speaking to me, “Bring my word to the business world.”
I thought He couldn’t possibly have the right girl. I didn’t trust Him and I didn’t understand His word. I certainly didn’t know the Bible and I was the last person I thought would ever be preaching.
Soon after that I heard about a year long discipleship school and I knew I was supposed to do it. I signed up kicking and screaming and in the first week of the school on a week long backpacking trip, I finally surrendered my life to Christ. I was all in.

The love that filled my heart in that moment was everything I had been craving my entire life. My identity was no longer in the world, I was now a child of God. I had a Father who loved me perfectly. I was chosen, redeemed, forgiven, loved, and free. I was saved by grace through faith and Jesus became my Lord and savior.
I spent the next year in discipleship school. The closer I grew to God the less I cared or worried about money. God lead me to start the podcast God Centered Success and share my journey, so I did. God lead me to share my testimony with my thousands of followers, so I did. God lead me to start teaching business and online marketing from a Biblical perspective, so I did. Whatever God lead me to do I was obedient and trusted His guidance.

The amazing thing is that even through I was no longer money focused my business continued to thrive.
Even though I had a faith based message that turned many people away I had faith based women entrepreneurs seeking me out to work with me. I was amazed at how God provided through the transition.
After discipleship school I received a phone call that one of my step sisters was in trouble and was possibly going to die due to addiction. I moved to my hometown in NM to help her and help take care of her kids so she could get the help she needed. God worked on my heart on a very deep level during those 2 years and through all the heartache little did I know I would get to witness almost all of my family come to know Christ.
I moved back to southern CA after those 2 years with my faith and connection to God stronger than ever.
I had seen the impossible happen before my very eyes. I had seen the hardest of hearts soften and come to know the Lord. I had seen God move in miraculous ways.
And now I am here being able to serve women entrepreneurs like you to overcome fear and doubt, start your business, take your business to the next level online, and most importantly keep God first through it all so you experience God centered success in life and business.
Thanks for being here and I look forward to the journey ahead!
- Mia

Overcome Fear
As An Entrepreneur
Free 4-Part Video Course
- Overcome Fear of Rejection
- Overcome Fear of Failure
- Overcome Fear of Success
- Overcome Fear of Public Speaking